

Everyone has a part to play in ensuring that the young people in netball are safe and getting the most they can from their involvement in the sport. Being involved in sport can bring many positives to a person. It is also an environment where young people can find friends and role models. We know that there are many pressures on young people and sometimes they may have difficulties in coping. We have taken this on board and broadened our definition of safeguarding to include well-being. We provide guidance to help recognise and respond to the most frequently occurring issues and sign-posts to support organisations which can provide the expert help needed with these complex issues. Organisations which are accessible to young people are included so that they have the option to take action to help themselves, or if you are a young netballer needing some help or advice.

Sleaford Barge Netball Club has developed its own Safeguarding Young People in Netball Policy. We also have a dedicated Club Safeguarding Officer to ensure children and young people are protected from any risk of harm so that any vulnerable young people are provided with the best support available. The Club Safeguarding Officer plays an important role in the welfare of the members of our club. They help to develop a safe and inclusive environment for all people at the club, give advice and listen to concerns about safeguarding and well-being issues and are a link in the reporting process which helps protect the welfare of the netball community. Our policies below detail how we are implementing safeguarding within the club. 

Our Safeguarding Officer has received training through England Netball “Time to Listen Course” and is a qualified Social Worker, working in children’s social work for over 10 years. Whether you are a parent/carer, a young person or a club member our Safeguarding Officer is here to advice on any issues concerning the safety and wellbeing of our junior members. 

We hope you find the information you need on these pages. If you need further advice, please contact us below:
We hope you find the information you need on these pages. If you need further advice, please contact us below:

Safeguarding Contact Form

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